Potty Training Boot Camp
Registrations going on now for:
Charlotte, NC at 704.750.0506
Atlanta, GA at 312.388.5002
Long Island, NY at 646.543.3393
Manhattan, NY at 646.543.3393

Register now and until the deadline to be entered for a Free Scholarship of up to $400.00
If you are the lucky winner in your city POTT"Y" Generation will reimburse you, and your child can attend for free. To register please call our office at the above numbers for your city. You may also request a registration form and a link to check out online by emailing us.
All participants must first preregister in order to participate in the drawing. The winners will be announced one week prior to camp's start date in your city.
Let's potty!
Join us every Thursday afternoon from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST for an online Twitter Party by following your host @PottyWhisperer and using hash tags #pottytrainingchat and #pottytraining.
We will be giving away a prizes valued at up to $450.
Directions: Once you log in to your Twitter account go to your search box. Search for @PottyWhisperer. Once you locate the page follow @PottyWhisperer. After you started following the @PottyWhisperer navigate to the search box and search for #pottytrainingchat - locate your group and start posting by introducing yourself and adding the hashtags #pottytrainingchat and #pottytraining . Other parents will welcome you along with our staff or Adriana Vermillion herself. If you would like to follow Adriana Vermillion on Twitter she is at @Potty_Whisperer.
If you have more questions or do not know how to join our online Twitter party please let us know.
Please RSVP for our online "party" every week by Thursday at noon (EST) by e-mailing us. To participate in the drawing you need to RSVP and also participate in the chat - great chance to ask all your potty training questions. The winner will be chosen 5 minutes before the chat is over.