Writer’s Guidelines

Contributor Writer’s Guidelines
POTTY Generation® Writer’s Guidelines

Please read the below guidelines carefully prior to submitting work or requesting to be a contributing writer.

Contributing Writers receive an account and are able to contribute daily, weekly or monthly with original content.

POTTY Generation® does not offer compensation (unpaid market), however we offer you the opportunity to be published and link back to your website or blog along with exposure to our audience.

We provide parents with information that is inspiring, uplifting and authentic.

Whilst we provide information focusing on the child and the joys of parenting, we also recognize that dealing with the challenges of parenting, potty training and social responsibilities in a world that is often frenetic can be difficult. We hope to provide parents with information that is supportive and empowering but non-preachy.

Guest Blogging Submissions

Should be submitted via our contact e-mail.

Word format only – original images associated with a copyright release should be sent as an attachment if requested.

Single-spaced in Times New Roman 12pt font.

At the top of your submission please include your surname and the title of your article, and a link you would like for us to link your name/bio too.

You may include a short bio with a picture and a link to your website or blog in the wording of your bio.

Articles for POTTY  Generation® - www.pottytrainingservices.com range from 400 – 600 words.

We accept articles between 400 and 600 words only. All others will be rejected.

Please allow up to 12 weeks for a response when submitting.

At the top of your Word document please place the following information:

Postal Address
Phone number
Word count

Submissions not following the above guidelines will not be considered.

You may send a query letter to us although we cannot always guarantee a response to queries.

Tone and Style

Please familiarize yourself with POTTY Generation® before making a submission to get a feel for the topics covered and writing style.

POTTY Generation® aims to provide readers with articles based on potty training stages, styles, child development, education and social and emotional experiences of both parents and children, gentle and alternative therapies, health, mind and body wellbeing, and sustainable living practices. We also aim to provide parents with stories that inspire and empower others.

Articles do not need to focus exclusively on parenting, as we know that parents enjoy reading about diverse topics, however keep our services in mind when writing.
Topics that provoke and inspire with original content and angles are most welcome. Fun and playful can also be good!


We are currently welcoming unsolicited submissions for articles covering, but not limited to:

- Parenting (potty training especially, communication, kids development, events, etc)
- Authenticity 
- Any Potty Training Related Content
- Natural therapies related to diaper rashes, etc
- Inspirational stories
- Eco Living
- Family topics
- Parental education
- Wellbeing (for children)
- Cooking/Recipes with kids in mind
Articles should be checked factually and claims substantiated wherever applicable/possible.


POTTY Generation® will not publish articles that have been published elsewhere. Please be sure your content is original.